Tech Quiz

Discover your tech path that aligns
with your personality and skills

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Watch this quick video to learn how your psychology based quiz works and how it can guide support you on your tech journey.

Why Our Quiz

Personalized Career Recommendations

All reviews are 100% anonymous to protect your identity through our review anonymizers.

Percentage based matches for each role

Our reviews highlight marginalized perspectives making it easy to understand the work environment for different groups

Backed by psychology research

Companies can't pressure employees for positive reviews protecting the integrity of every review.

How It Works

Tech is more than just coding. Use are quiz to find the roles that will help you navigate your own tech journey.

  • Answer a series of psychology-based questions.

  • Get instant results with a breakdown of your ideal tech roles.

  • Explore detailed insights into each recommended role.


You've got questions, and we have the answers.

How long does the quiz take?

The quiz on average takes people 5-6 mins to complete.

Is the quiz free?

Yes, this is a free resource built for the community to use.

Do I have to be a Tech by Choice member to take this quiz?

No, you do not need to be a tech by choice member to take this quiz.

It is recommended to join our community so you can access our slack group to ask any questions about what you're

What do you do with my email?

We will only use your email to send you a copy of the role breakdown we've made for you, unless you check the box to get updates about jobs related to the roles your matched with.

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